Joseph Wallace Young, also known as "Mighty Joe Young," has always had a passion for repairing vehicles. He has been hands-on his whole life and began repairing vehicles in his garage when he was just 16 years old. In the early 1980s, Joe realized the need for a great body shop on the North Shore. So in 1984, The Ultimate Paint Shop, Inc. was born in Lake Bluff, Illinois. Throughout the years, the business expanded, and so did the garage.
Joe's years of hard work and dedication began paying off. As a result of consistently performing top-notch work and providing excellent service, in the late 1980s, The Ultimate Paint Shop became one of the first body shops in America to receive an Audi Structural Repair Certification. Not far behind the Audi accomplishment came additional OEM certifications for repairing Porsche, Bentley, Lamborghini, Tesla, and Mercedes-Benz.
In 2013, Ultimate Paint Shop II, Inc. was opened as a second location in Highland Park, Illinois to accommodate the ever-expanding business. To this day, you can find Joe in the garage working as hard as he did the day he opened his first shop nearly 40 years ago. Joe's vast knowledge on a wide range of vehicles gained throughout his many years of experience is not only recognized locally, but is well-known around the world. He regularly receives calls from as far away as Germany and as close as Chicago to advise other body shops, dealerships, and customers on proper repair methods and much more.